Selecting Time Steps

Time steps and range may be defined using the ‘automatic’ or ‘manual’ method. With the automatic method Creo Simulate will select a time step based on the highest frequency calculated. The higher the frequency, the smaller the time step. The range will be determined based on the lowest frequency calculated. The lower the frequency, the longer the maximum time.

With the manual method, the user defines the time steps and maximum time range. A Rule-of-Thumb for time steps is to use the reciprocal of ten times the highest frequency of interest. The maximum time should be at least the reciprocal of the lowest frequency calculated or the duration of the input function.

Master intervals are the time steps that Creo Simulate will allow full results (displacement and stress plots) to be calculated. The user defines these master intervals. The user also specifies that full results will be saved at each master interval. These master interval steps will also be used for animation of the results during post-processing.

Output intervals between master intervals are the number of time steps where XY plotted data is calculated. The combination of master intervals and output intervals will define the time steps.

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