Modeling Thin Layers

Using the standard tetrahedron option with the AutoGEM mesher in Creo Simulate will produce a very dense mesh in thin layers or thin sections of a part or an assembly. This is due to the limitation of corner angles and aspect ratio for the elements. Sometimes there will be too many elements to make the solution practical.

There is an option to let the mesher create brick or wedge elements, however this does not work well for anything but the simplest of geometry. When possible, using the wedge/brick mesh option will generally produce far fewer elements.

Many times the only practical solution is to transfer the model to the Independent Mode where the user has much more control of the meshing process.

After the model has bee transferred to the Independent Mode, select the Wedge element option (not brick) under the AutoGEM Settings form. AutoGEM mesh the thin layer volumes (parts) first. The wedge option should result in tri-face elements on the surfaces the interface to the other volumes (parts).

Change the AutoGEM Settings back to Tetrahedron elements to finish meshing the rest of the volumes. You will have to run the model in the Independent Mode.


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